What is a Table Captain?

Puget Sound Bank table at Step Up to the Plate Benefit Luncheon

With Bellevue LifeSpring’s annual Step Up to the Plate Benefit Luncheon just around the corner, we’ve been receiving this question: “So, what exactly is a table captain?” For us, table captains are the people, the stories and the hearts behind our organization, stepping up on behalf of Bellevue’s children and inspiring others to do the … Read Now

Nicole’s Giving Story

Guest Blog Post by Nicole Griswold “Uh oh,” I answered dramatically. Lance looked over at me and dropped another ball to see if I would respond once more. It was an early December morning in 2013, with Christmas just around the corner. I had been caring for him for nearly a year, and he was … Read Now

No Turkey Required – Four Ways to Give Families a Full Thanksgiving

We all love to eat ’til we’re stuffed at the Thanksgiving dinner table – but families living in poverty need more than just food during the holiday. Often, they can’t afford other basic needs like hygiene and household items that can’t be purchased with food stamps. Find out four ways (in addition to donating food) … Read Now

A Special Season: The Impact of Holiday Adopt-A-Family

“Holiday Adopt-A-Family is something I look forward to every year. Shopping for a family that would otherwise go without, seeing the expressions on the faces of the families when they come to pick up their gifts – both make the season a special one each year.” – Joan, Holiday Adopt-A-Family Sponsor The Strain of the … Read Now

Six Ways to Give for Less than $1

Looking to make your dollars go further? A little can go a long way! Here are six easy ways to increase your impact on your community – without impacting your wallet. AmazonSmile – A reason to smile Did you know your Amazon purchases can also benefit Bellevue kids? AmazonSmile offers the same products, prices and … Read Now

Next Stop…College!

One year ago, high school senior Fatma walked into a room where seven individuals were waiting to interview her. “I was so excited and really nervous…but as the interview process kept going, I could feel that they were really connecting and resonating with me and that made me a lot more comfortable and confident to … Read Now

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast snacks help kids living in poverty start their day right.

Breakfast has long been considered the first and most important meal of the day. It helps to rev your metabolism, gives you energy and helps you focus on school or work. But for many children in Bellevue, breakfast isn’t any meal of the day. More than 3,600 students in the Bellevue School District are currently living … Read Now

20 Years of Breaktime-Mealtime™: What’s Next?

“You might think feeding a child during a school break is not a big deal…but for someone on food stamps it’s just enough of an extra expense to impact other areas of life, and once again start the spiral downward. It is the cracks which create the gaps…which become the tipping point that can be … Read Now

Six Ways You Help Bellevue LifeSpring Stand Out

We’re fortunate to live in a community where there are many resources for families struggling to make ends meet. While Bellevue LifeSpring isn’t the only organization serving Bellevue’s 3,600+ children living in poverty, we are unique in several ways. In this season of spring luncheons, learn how you help Bellevue LifeSpring stand out from the … Read Now

A Sponsor’s Story: Holiday Adopt-A-Family™

Erin and Eric LaFrance

By Erin LaFrance For many, the holiday season is a time for celebration. For families living in poverty, the extra expense of the holidays can be a burden. Bellevue LifeSpring’s Holiday Adopt-A-Family™ program matches sponsors with families in need to help ease the financial stress of the holiday season. Sponsors provide food, clothing and gifts … Read Now