With the expensive price tag of higher education, nothing is more important than financial aid to a student. Costs can be a deal-breaker for deciding to pursue a college education or not. Bellevue LifeSpring’s Educational Grants program provides $2,000 in financial assistance to students and is renewable for all four years of their studies. Thanks to our donors, this year we renewed grants for 12 of our previous recipients.
A college scholarship from Bellevue LifeSpring has a wide array of positive benefits for recipients.
1. Relieving the Stress
“This scholarship is an opportunity for me to further my education with peace of mind… I am able to focus on my grades and classwork instead of having to worry,” shared Andy, a psychology major at the University of Washington. “I have time to get involved with my university at events and to start to build my community.”
2. Support
“This scholarship means more than just money to me,” shared Emily, a junior at University of Washington pursuing a Business and Marketing degree. “This scholarship signifies that I have a community behind me rooting for my success. I feel less burdened financially, so I am able to focus on my school work and pursing the careers I did not know were within my reach growing up.”
3. Giving Back
Nancy, a pre-nursing student from the University of Washington, joined the Global Medical Brigades chapter at her school, which develops sustainable health initiatives and provides relief where there is limited access to health care. Nancy also volunteered her time in the urgent care department at Kaiser Permanent Bellevue, gaining real world experiences in the health care industry.
“This scholarship has helped reduced my financial stress,” shared Nancy. “Any amount of money is helpful and receiving money from Bellevue LifeSpring has played a key part in my ability to expand my involvement in volunteer opportunities.”
Bellevue LifeSpring is proud of the incredible strides the 12 renewing scholarship students have made thus far in their higher education journeys and we look forward to reporting on their continued successes. Your generosity and investment is paving the way to a brighter future for Bellevue students and helping to break the cycle of poverty.