With the high costs of attending colleges and universities, nothing is more important than financial support for a student. The costs associated with pursuing higher education — like tuition, food, housing, and educational supplies — can often be a deal-breaker.
Thanks to our community’s support over the years, Bellevue LifeSpring has awarded $2,000 college scholarships to students through our Educational Grants program. These scholarships have been renewable for all four years of their studies.
This year was the last year of our Educational Grants program, thanks to the scholarships for students that are now offered through the new Workforce Education Act. The Workforce Education Act provides college access, free tuition, and financial aid to students through the Washington College Grant.*
Anaya, Maria, and Nori are all local students who have received Bellevue LifeSpring Educational Grants throughout their college careers and are now in their senior year of studies!
Here is what Bellevue LifeSpring scholarships have meant to them over the years:
College: Western Washington University
Major: Sociology
“I am immensely grateful for the support this scholarship has given me throughout my college journey. As a first-generation college student, I have always dreamed of college. But I never knew it was possible due to the lack of money my family had growing up. Thanks to the help of the scholarships over the years, I have had enough money to pay for my expenses. I am grateful for this support and am excited to enter my senior year of college.”
College: Bellevue College
Major: Social Work
“This scholarship helps to give me the opportunity to continue my education and accomplish my dream and my parent’s dream of me receiving my degree. I have always loved school. There have been setbacks, but from those setbacks, I have learned so much. I want my parents to see me walking on the stage to receive my diploma. I want to show them that all the risks they took and the work they endured were worth it.
“I want to receive my degree not only for my family but also for me. This scholarship gives me the opportunity to pursue my dream of becoming a social worker. I want to help give children the opportunity and strength to achieve their dreams. I want to show them that they can also achieve their goals.”
College: Western Washington University
Major: Special Education
“This scholarship creates the opportunity to inspire myself to do great things. I have faced a lot of challenges throughout this past year. I will soon get my degree and be able to teach students in the future to grow, learn, and help create the future for the next generation.”
We wish Anaya, Maria, and Nori all the best this year and beyond!
*Note: Scholarships for students are now being offered through the new Workforce Education Act. It provides college access, free tuition, and financial aid to students through the Washington College Grant. Full-tuition scholarships are available to families making $55,000 or less and a partial scholarship to families making up to 100% of the Median Family Income (about $88,000 for a family of four). It also invests in programs at the state’s community and technical colleges and expands high-demand degree programs across the state in fields such as nursing, engineering, and computer science. Overall, it makes college more accessible to more than 110,000 students a year. Learn more here.