Utility Resources

Need help with your utilities? Find local help and resources below.

Your household may qualify for Puget Sound Energy’s bill discount based on household income and size.  

For eligibility and to apply: https://www.pse.com/en/account-and-billing/assistance-programs/bill-discount-rate 

The City of Bellevue offers temporary utility relief to residents living in Bellevue and pay their utilities to City of Bellevue.  

Fill out a form: https://bellevuewa.gov/city-government/departments/utilities/pay-your-utility-bill/utility-rate-and-tax-relief 

Hopelink helps households reduce their home energy costs or avoid disconnection with their Energy Program. 

Schedule an appointment: https://www.hopelink.org/programs/energy/ 

Get utility assistance with PSE bills from the Salvation Army Eastside.  

Call 425-452-7300 or email contacteastside@usw.salvationarmy.org 

Learn more: https://bellevue.salvationarmy.org/eastside_bellevue_corps/social-services